
Tarion Home Warranty
Your new home purchase will probably be your largest investment as such you want assurance that your important investment is protected. At Amberlane homes you are provided with just that a seven year warranty.
This warranty is governed by TARION Corporation. There are several different stages to this seven year warranty.
Commonly referred to as the PDI, your pre-delivery inspection is the final inspection prior to taking possession of your home. This usually occurs within the final week before possession, between the hours of 9am-1pm Monday - Friday (excluding holidays). At the PDI, an Amberlane Homes representative will guide you (or your designate) through the inspection of your home. During this inspection you will be asked to identify any damaged, incomplete, or missing items, or anything which is not operating properly.
This is also your chance to ask questions about the features and systems of your new home. During this inspection many things will be explained to you in detail such as the operation of your furnace and our representative will be giving you suggestions on making your home more comfortable for you to live in. While we are responsible for any defects in the craftsmanship of your home, it is your responsibility to maintain your home. We highly recommend that you read the homeowner’s manual and the TARION book before attending your PDI. Both of these books explain our obligations as the builder as well as your obligations as the homeowner.
After you move into your home, there are a few different stages for warranty purposes. If at any time you have an emergency situation, you must contact us threw the contact us section of our website. It offers an emergency phone number and email form to fill out. The phone and email provided is constantly monitored. After calling the emergency number or sending an email, it is your responsibility to prevent as much secondary damage as possible.
The following constitutes an emergency situation under TARION Corporations guidelines:
- complete loss of heat (between Sept. 15th and May 15th)(except when due to the failure of the municipality or utility company to provide the service)
- gas leak(except when due to the failure of the municipality or utility company to provide the service)
- total loss of electricity(except when due to the failure of the municipality or utility company to provide the service)
- total loss of water supply(except when due to the failure of the municipality or utility company to provide the service)
- total sewage stoppage(except when due to the failure of the municipality or utility company to provide the service)
- plumbing leakage that requires complete water shutoff
- major collapse of any part of the home’s interior or exterior structure
- major water penetration on the interior walls or ceiling
- a large pool of water inside the interior of the home
- any situation where in the opinion of TARION the home is uninhabitable for health and safety reasons
For further information, please refer to TARION’s website at www.tarion.com.
30 DAY
If at any time you have additional service requests there are procedures that you must follow to ensure coverage by TARION. After your PDI, the first opportunity you have to submit any concerns that you may have before the end of your 30 day anniversary. This list must be submitted in writing to both Amberlane Homes and TARION.
Any concerns that are outstanding from your PDI as well as any new items should be written on this list. If your home closed on January 1st, your 30-day list must be submitted to TARION between January 2nd and January 29th to be deemed as valid. TARION will only accept your first list. Under TARION’s regulations, if this opportunity is missed your next opportunity to submit a list is in the 30 days before your first year anniversary. These concerns should be listed on the 30 Day form located on the TARION website by registering with the my home program here myhome.tarion.com. This form should be submitted to both Amberlane Homes and TARION. Please note that in order for any service items to be addressed, access to your home, with an adult present must be provided between 9am and 4pm Monday to Friday. A mutually accepted time must be agreed upon in advance. For further information, please refer to TARION’s website at www.tarion.com.
The next opportunity TARION allows you to submit a list of warranty concerns is 30 days before your first year anniversary (if your home closed on January 1st, your Year End list must be submitted between December 2nd to December 31st). These concerns should be listed on the Year End form found by registering for a MY HOME account on the TARION website here myhome.tarion.com. This form should be submitted to both Amberlane Homes and TARION.
Please note that in order for any service items to be addressed, access to your home with an adult present must be provided between 9am and 4pm Monday to Friday. A mutually accepted time must be agreed upon in advance.
There is not a scheduled physical inspection of your home by our service department after your closing date. Any concerns must be sent in writing. For further information, please refer to TARION’s website at www.tarion.com.
TARION also has a second year form. The following items are covered for 2 years under TARION:
- Water penetration of basement or foundation
- Water penetration of the rest of the building envelope
- Electrical system defects
- Plumbing system defects
- Heating system defects
- Exterior cladding defects
- Major structural defects
- Violation of the Ontario Building Code’s health and safety provisions.
For a copy of the second year form you may register for the MY HOME program to access the forms at myhome.tarion.com. For further information, please refer to TARION’s website at www.tarion.com.
The remaining 5 years of the 7 year warranty is the Major structural defects warranty. You must register your home for the MY HOME program to access the MSD form by visiting myhome.tarion.com.
This form should be sent to TARION and Amberlane Homes. The items covered include:
- Any defect in the work or materials that results in the failure of the load bearing part of the homes structure or materially and adversely affects its load- bearing function.
- Any defect in the work or materials that materially and adversely affects the use of the building as a home
For further information, please refer to TARION’s website at www.tarion.com.